The Arabs/Muslims/Islamics stole much of the knowledge attributed to them by invading and conquering and then controlling the scientists and philosophers under jizya tribute and then laying claim to existing materials.
Islamic culture is non-creative. There have been hundreds of nobel prizes and patents to Jewish people and only a mere handful to Muslims.
Really? Were Greek and Roman cultures non-creative? Can't recall many Nobel Prizes and patents issued to ancient Greeks and Romans... Hmmm... Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Homer, Herodotus - what a highly non-creative bunch!
Fascinating concept of the Muslims stealing the knowledge, too. Exactly whom did they invade and stole all the knowledge that modern astronomy is based on (most stars have Arabic names, as you probably know)? I would love to know the year, the name of the invading Muslim general, etc. - I will then go and update Wikipedia, 'cause clearly it has all that ancient history all wrong!
Specifically, it would be interesting to know, whom did Ibn al-Haitham steal the idea for camera obscura (camera - from an arabic word "quamara"!) on which all modern cameras are based (even digital ones) and from whom did al-Jazari steal the crank-shaft that makes your car move, just to name a few Arabic inventions. Oh, but wait, they don't count, 'cause they didn't get any patents or Nobel Prizes for them, I forgot.
And don't even get me started on Persians, whom we owe so many things from the modern brick through wine to the windmill... Ah, yes, no patents again...
Fred, I don’t usually do this because I don’t like to give legitimacy to the arguments of those who willfully marginalize themselves by their arguments, as you do. When being serious, which I find very difficult to do when debating with you on politics, I would never call the US an empire in the sense the UK was. If this word is to signify anything, it means colonization and subjugation of distant lands under the crown for national glory, economic betterment, and missionary zeal; none of which has ever applied to the US. It is Orwellian to call the US an empire. Every existing state in the world has sought in the past to expand its borders to whatever they are today (or, conversely, they have had them reduced against their will). If the US is an empire, then so is Chile, or Bhutan, or Chad. If it needs pointing out to you the difference between US forces now stationed in Japan, Germany, or South Korea, and those stationed in India by UK in the past, then I can only pray you someday awake from such ignorance and misunderstanding. Think of what King Leopold and Belgium did in the Congo in the 20th Century (genocide on the scale of millions), or France in Algeria in the 60s! and tell me the US is an empire in the mold of France or Belgium or UK. It’s too stupid to continue. Enough. The last I’ll ever write on this subject.
Bravo, rdo. Here, in Europe, we love to hate the USA. I could never figure out why - any wrongs that the US did in the world is child's play compared with what most European nations did, as you very correctly point out (and you mercifully left out the UK out of your examples...)
I guess little people love to hate the big guys out of envy.
Nothing wrong with the subject, but the vocal delivery made me assign the first "sucko-barfo" rating in my years of listening to RP.
What she needs is a good producer who will make her sing NORMALLY, without all those fake cuteness, breathiness and other unnecessary devices, all falling into "trying too hard" category. She probably has not a bad voice, if only she used it.
Wait till I upload my band's songs to RP (not that I'm counting on acceptance - they rejected much better music than mine... like Legendary Pink Dots I've been relentlessly uploading here).
Wow, somebody knows Firefly? GOOD stuff :) I watched it with my wife, who is Chinese Malaysian, and she would translate me all those Mandarin bits (although they were sometimes so mispronounced by the American actors, that she had problems understanding them...) Good times.
OK, here's my highly unprofessional (I'm not a translator) translation of the lyrics:
There was a lady who found A faulty apparatus Suddenly moved she held it and said: "You are from hell I am from heaven There's nothing else we need"
You are an old wreck Let me fix you then I'll fix your chassis And put in new parts And you'll be gorgeous like before And you will work flawlessly You will show your class And will tweet on occasion And I'll put you in a cage So that you don't fly away
We will be beautiful again We will work right again We will be beautiful again We will work right again We will be beautiful again We will work right again We will be beautiful again We will work right again
Horrible. And the girl sings out of tune. She's not the first one who can't sing, but where is the producer and recording engineer? Shame on them for allowing something like that to leave their mixing desk.
How could the recording engineer and the producer allow something like that leave their mixing desk? A piece where the singer is out of key on half the notes? Much as I hate AutoTune, it would be better to apply that than to cause toothache in those who happen to hear the correct pitch. It's like a fork on a glass plate to me.
Add to it the whiny, shakey voice and I wish there was a rating lower than "1".
In my country one of the most popular radio stations (Trójka) did a big listener's poll for the best song of all times played on that radio's Top10 over the past 30 years.
Technically, it's not really "reverb" producing that sound, it's "delay" (or "echo"). "Reverb" is a random repetition of a sound within 30 or 40 milliseconds of the original sound (like sounds in a marble hallway); "echo" is a distinct repetition after 40 or 50 milliseconds (i.e. an echo in a canyon), which is called "delay" in the recording industry. They are slightly different things. I know, nerdy details....
And there's quite a lot of reverb AND some echo on the vocal track :) Pretty nice effect, though, sounds very analog.
I'm a drummer and I play with a VERY good bassist, but whenever I hear John Endwistle I just MELT. Pure genius who for me at least defines what this instrument is all about. Too many bassists are just guitarists playing octaves lower. That's not bass.
Islamic culture is non-creative. There have been hundreds of nobel prizes and patents to Jewish people and only a mere handful to Muslims.
Really? Were Greek and Roman cultures non-creative? Can't recall many Nobel Prizes and patents issued to ancient Greeks and Romans... Hmmm... Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Homer, Herodotus - what a highly non-creative bunch!
Fascinating concept of the Muslims stealing the knowledge, too. Exactly whom did they invade and stole all the knowledge that modern astronomy is based on (most stars have Arabic names, as you probably know)? I would love to know the year, the name of the invading Muslim general, etc. - I will then go and update Wikipedia, 'cause clearly it has all that ancient history all wrong!
Specifically, it would be interesting to know, whom did Ibn al-Haitham steal the idea for camera obscura (camera - from an arabic word "quamara"!) on which all modern cameras are based (even digital ones) and from whom did al-Jazari steal the crank-shaft that makes your car move, just to name a few Arabic inventions. Oh, but wait, they don't count, 'cause they didn't get any patents or Nobel Prizes for them, I forgot.
And don't even get me started on Persians, whom we owe so many things from the modern brick through wine to the windmill... Ah, yes, no patents again...
Bravo, rdo. Here, in Europe, we love to hate the USA. I could never figure out why - any wrongs that the US did in the world is child's play compared with what most European nations did, as you very correctly point out (and you mercifully left out the UK out of your examples...)
I guess little people love to hate the big guys out of envy.
Marcin Bruczkowski
I caught just the end of the song, but the final bars were definitely 4/4.
What she needs is a good producer who will make her sing NORMALLY, without all those fake cuteness, breathiness and other unnecessary devices, all falling into "trying too hard" category. She probably has not a bad voice, if only she used it.
Wait till I upload my band's songs to RP (not that I'm counting on acceptance - they rejected much better music than mine... like Legendary Pink Dots I've been relentlessly uploading here).
There was a lady who found
A faulty apparatus
Suddenly moved
she held it and said:
"You are from hell
I am from heaven
There's nothing else we need"
You are an old wreck
Let me fix you then
I'll fix your chassis
And put in new parts
And you'll be gorgeous like before
And you will work flawlessly
You will show your class
And will tweet on occasion
And I'll put you in a cage
So that you don't fly away
We will be beautiful again
We will work right again
We will be beautiful again
We will work right again
We will be beautiful again
We will work right again
We will be beautiful again
We will work right again
Add to it the whiny, shakey voice and I wish there was a rating lower than "1".
If only it sounded as good here as it does from a good LP... This is analogue at its best.
Isn't that his sister, Maria José, on drums? Sounds like a live bodhrán to me.
This song won.
Technically, it's not really "reverb" producing that sound, it's "delay" (or "echo"). "Reverb" is a random repetition of a sound within 30 or 40 milliseconds of the original sound (like sounds in a marble hallway); "echo" is a distinct repetition after 40 or 50 milliseconds (i.e. an echo in a canyon), which is called "delay" in the recording industry. They are slightly different things.
I know, nerdy details....
And there's quite a lot of reverb AND some echo on the vocal track :) Pretty nice effect, though, sounds very analog.
He sure does... My only claim to fame, as a drummer, is that I play his signature ride cymbal (Paiste Blue Bell Ride)
I'm a drummer and I play with a VERY good bassist, but whenever I hear John Endwistle I just MELT. Pure genius who for me at least defines what this instrument is all about. Too many bassists are just guitarists playing octaves lower. That's not bass.
Marcin Bruczkowski
Is WHAT a great country? The world is not limited to wherever you live, you know.
Marcin Bruczkowski