Song Ratings: 3437
Oct 27, 2013
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Comments ( 142 )
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
Damn near perfect.
Posted 8 years ago by JeriF:
Wow... no comments since 2010; must not get much play. 
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
Sometimes I just have to stop the RP stream and let the last tune resonate in my head a bit longer before listening to whatever's next.   Of course, a Play It Again button could help with this problem ;)

Posted 5 years ago by JeriF:
After some songs, and this is one of them, I have to stop the RP stream for a moment when the tune ends and let it resonate in my head a little longer.   10+++
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
clickfaster wrote:
The Good, Bad, & Ugly Cat
Haha, this cracked me up.  Thanks for posting{#Roflol}
Posted 8 years ago by JeriF:
FourFortyEight wrote:
My mother is lying in the hospital dying tonight.  This song hits home, even though I've heard it a zillion times.  

Huggs and sympathy.
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
Interesting set.  Who Knows Where the Time Goes|Fairport Convention, Melissa|Allman Bros, and now Golden Age|Beck.... I wouldnt have recognized the similarities if you hadnt played them together.  Thanks, Bill.  
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
Well this is a fun little tune!{#Daisy}
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
Saw these guys at the Santa Monica Civic Center way back when, before I'd even heard of MTV (didn't own a television) and they were GREAT!  Still the only time I've ever bought scalped tickets- I was determined to see them no matter what.  And still the only time I've ever seen a band playing with each musician ('cept the drummer) on a running treadmill.  What a show!!

Posted 3 years ago by JeriF:
oh yeah
Posted 5 years ago by JeriF:
Gosh I love this tune. Ten, all the way.
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
Hope you're listening, BlueHeronDruid! 😀
Posted 7 years ago by JeriF:
pvg44 wrote:
So far ahead of his time.  What a tragedy; imagine the even bigger impact he would have had on music.


Sigh, yes. If only.  
Posted 7 years ago by JeriF:
I enjoyed this discussion and followed it up with some googling for more info.  Thanks for commenting.

ambrebalte wrote:

Hasan wrote:

Yeah . . . Moshe Safdie the architect.

Monstrous piece of ingenious design, dreadfully poorly thought through.  See Brutalist architecture.

The idea was very low cost prefabricated structures you could throw together in a kaleidoscope of different shapes with little more than a crane.

The reality was $50M price tag, insanely over budget, the blocks didn't fit together even when they were hand made and chiselled and bashed into place.  Does it still leak everywhere?

The one thing you can say about Habitat is that it wasn't as ludicrous as the Olympic Stadium — that only went $1,475,000,000 over budget.  But — like they say in England, "Good enough for guv'ment work, mate!"

Aren't Stars from TO?  Is this a Toronto band scoffing at Montreal, I wonder?

kcar wrote:

Wow, what a nightmare. The road to hell is designed by an architect, overseen by engineers and built by contractors. All with the best intentions and the most money, esp. if it's a government project. Love that bit about the hand-made blocks not working.

My vote for the most awful Brutalist building: Boston City Hall aka Government Center.  Also massively over budget and so over-built that demolition costs are prohibitively expensive. Mayor Menino is trying to sell the complex or screen it with trees and shrubs. 


@Hasan, I did some research on the building and on the architect and found out he has been «named the American Institute of Architects' 2015 Gold Medal recipient »

He found his paradise in China apparently, which is where I second the comment by @kcar on your post.

By the way Safdie envisions his work as anti-brutalist. Actually, it's probably more like anti as, given the definition of this trend in architecture, he actually exactly answers to all of it, particularly in Habitat @Expo 67.
It looks better now, with the trees, on photos. How is it for real? How did it age?

Like the music, another discovery thanks to RP!  





Posted 5 years ago by JeriF:
Such a distinctive voice/sound.  I'd never heard this particular tune before but knew immediately who it was from hearing one of her other tunes.  I like what she's doing.  You go girl.
Posted 6 years ago by JeriF:
A Frenchman singing c&w! I likee!
Posted 4 months ago by JeriF:
Thank you, Bill. That hit the spot just now. 
Posted 1 year ago by JeriF:
Hmm.  No rating yet on this, just a comment.  I'm drawn to the strong beats (shades of Drinkee) but, it just seems to wander and ultimately, go nowhere.  Need a few more listens.
Posted 3 years ago by JeriF:
The drumming is phenomenal
The Main Mix