Song Ratings: 112
Dodge City, NE
Mar 31, 2005
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Comments ( 30 )
Posted 14 years ago by ibcoleman:
veegez wrote:
I vote this my favorite post of the bunch so far. I also vote Lloyd Cole one of my favorite Scots. More useless info: I like his stuff composed with the Commotions in the 80's even better. 'Rattlesnakes' is a short but totally hip/smart collection of songs-if you're into that kind of thing....
Thought this might be of interest—and to give they naysayers a sense of perspective.

Posted 15 years ago by ibcoleman:
Sweet!  A 20 minute self-indulgent hippy wankfest!  Now, if only we could hear this more often...
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
I give this a 4, because I'm not an Aussie. Ok, a 5 because I am an Aussie sympathizer.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
Awwww yeaaaaah. Day-um. Shout out to the over-40's: "nOOOOO! It's somewhat blues-like, but there are no 15 minute mastrubatory guitar solos. And there's a ...sputter... 'wiki-wiki' noise! WTF?!?!?1" RIP RL.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
Cool! Didn't they play this song over the closing credits for "Short Circuit 2"? Or was it "Over the Top"? Heady days!
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
physicsgenius wrote:
If they can't find a way to hell They can go to hell If they can't find a way to hell They can go to hell It's both repeated and a self-rhyme. Not only that, but the same word appears in a line twice, which is pretty grating. Combine that with the utter lack of any scanning in these lines or melody (or ability to sing same if it was there) and we have a contender for Worst Lyrics EVAR.
Jesus, I think we have a contender for Most Needing to Get Out of the Lab, and Into Someone's Pants. Bonus points for the freshman poetical analysis. You forgot to touch on tone, diction, and connotation though. Now go forth and multiply.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
I like Leo K. Good stuff. Anyone listen to Shawn Persinger? "The Art of Primitive Modern Guitar" makes Kottke's guitar playing sound like Jeff Mangum's. https://www.persingermusic.com/
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
llazare wrote:
There's a world of amazing African music out there, but often it seems like "hey we play African music, here's *another* track by Oliver Mtukudzi". Can't we cut the Oliver Mtukudzi playlist in half and add in some of the 1000's of amazing African artists begging to be heard?
I second that brother, wholeheartedly. And if, at the end of the day, that's not possible, can we at least get Youssou N'Dour's cover of "Rubber Band Man"?
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
Ibeaton wrote:
"Rosie" - Jackson Browne (This one's subtle - I'm embarrassed to say I listened to this one for years before I figured it out).
Funny, me too! Of course, I was 6 at the time, so...
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
Okay, I'm rating these guys up for this alone. "It should have been a night to have a few beers and enjoy the soundtrack of my life. Instead, I sat there in my expensive seat, and heckled the guy whose music I know by heart." Anything that can make penis-headed reactionaries turn beat-red and froth at the mouth is ok by me.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
jgeyer wrote:
Amazing! What an original idea! (Dr. Evil voice) I think I will call it the "Counter Culture."
Thanks for that. I needed to have this shirt dry-cleaned anyway. :)
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
Saw these guys in 1989 in the basement of the U of Colorado UMC. Wasn't hugely impressed at the time (though the lead singer played a vacuum-cleaner hose...so that was fun). For the life of me, I can't understand how these guys have gotten so overrated. Picking up the Deadheads on the rebound I guess. They have improved since '89, though.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
This could be ok if they all got in the tour bus and took off while the singer is in the bathroom. Completely undistinguished voice. Come to think of it, the lyrics are pretty bland, too.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
ChardRemains wrote:
Yep. Hence the album title "Mell of a Hess" -- Maybe he should change his name to Segovia Esteban Metheney and be done with it.
Well, he's a she, and she is young (at least according to this https://www.jamiestillway.com/). I like it ok...
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
AphidA wrote:
This song sucks soooo bad. It's friggin' awful. 275 people rated this a 10! RP is doomed with that kind of pervasive bad taste inflicting our community.
Ah, it could be worse. Have you heard Buckley's version of "Lilac Wine"? Now that's painful.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
White guy plays self-indulgent 20 min blues solo. Didn't Robyn Trower cover this ground almost note-for-note thirty years ago? Why bother.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
Jesus Christ people. Just put the 5 "classic rock" CDs in your collection on shuffle play and crank it up. Why in God's name are you listening to "eclectic online rock radio" anyway? Don't you have an approved clearchannel classic rock station in your area you could be listening to?
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
as a beer commercial, this would be very effective.
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
bah! you call that music?!? tweedly-deedly-dee!!! screeee! squeee-dee-dee squuEEEEEEEEEEEE! That's not music! Now that Django Reinhardt--now he could play some guitar. You spoiled hippies don't know from music! Go on! Get out of here! {shout-out to all those hip-hop haters in the house}
Posted 18 years ago by ibcoleman:
I would have put this one on the uk release of 154 between "Once Is Enough" and "Map Ref. 41°N 93°W". Pretty tame for Wire in 1979, though.
The Main Mix