Gerona, Spain
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Jun 7, 2005
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A Different Drum - Peter Gabriel
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
As many have pointed out, the entire CD is really fantastic. One of the first CDs I bought, and still gets heavy (usually late night) rotation. This song feels a bit different out of context from the rest of the disc, but I'm not complaining!
Fly From Heaven - Toad the Wet Sprocket
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
Jacksonstat wrote:
I agree! I was just sitting hear listening to this song and wondering why I don't have any Toad in my music collection?
I must do something about that. The tough part will be deciding which CD to purchase first!
You can't really go wrong there. I'm partial to Fear, next Dulcinea, but Coil and even the Rarities cd have good stuff on them.

White Shadows - Coldplay
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
dadofsammy wrote:
The Church similarity hit me like a brick through a window this morning! That was a good band...I wonder if they wake up thinking, "damn, we were about 5 years ahead of our time"....
well, try about 20 years ahead... The Church began recording in '81.. and hit their commercial peak (with Starfish) in '88.
It was a great sound then, and still is.
Lives in the Balance - Jackson Browne
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
ChardRemains wrote:
Lyrics rock. Music sux. What's with the freakin' pan pipes, jeeesh!
I've gotta agree. Richie Havens does an excellent version of this off his '94 CD "Cuts to the Chase" that gets rid of the sappy sound and gives the lyrics the urgency they deserve.
Out of Touch - Lucinda Williams
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
I dig her sound. Great CD
Sheep - Pink Floyd
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!
(ok, that's more a pig, but captures my excitement upon hearing the intro more than baaahhhhh)
That's the Way (live) - Led Zeppelin
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
very, very..... nice......

Sleepwalker - The Wallflowers
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
I find these guys have a consistently good sound... but a little too consistent. This one reminds me a lot of 'God don't make Lonely Girls' off Bringing Down the Horse.
Untitled Track 8 - Sigur Rós
Posted 18 years ago by cjg:
SCJoniguy wrote:
I'm kinda enjoying this song/experience... but that's f'n funny.
Holy Moley - and I thought the Allman Bros. didn't know how to end a song.

Gypsy - Kan'Nal
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
Reminds me a bit of Rusted Root. Nice energy, but nothing special.
A Pillow of Winds - Pink Floyd
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
Flying_Donut wrote:
This is how all hippies should grow old gracefully!
i wonder if bong hits through red wine still produce the desired effect? :D

Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys - Traffic
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
haven't heard this in a long time. I wouldn't want to hear it every day, but once in a while... sounds gooooooood.
Before I Go - Matson Belle
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
oh god... what the heck were they thinking with that ending?? Harmless junk to, well, just horrible.
Love Is No Big Truth - Kings of Convenience
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
wow, that beginning guitar riff sounded an aweful lot like a cool Campervan Beethoven song... 'Seven Languages', I believe it is.
Well, now that I'm over my disappointment, this is allright. Kinda catchy.
Today - The Innocence Mission
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
alniebel wrote:
What ever happened to these guys? They are fantastic!
it seems they just kept on quietly producing wonderful music.
Love Vigilantes - New Order
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
I can't say I put this CD on too much anymore. Not that it hasn't aged well (I still think it's one of the best to come out of the 80's)... I think I just played it soo much at an important time of my life (late high school years), that it always feels out of context now. Having said that, bring on anything from Low Life. (or Power Corruption and Lies, or the Temptation EP.)
Silver Rider - Low
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
'pull me out of the aircrash... pull me out of the lake... I'm your superhero'
anyone else hear it? maybe I'm just eager for a RH fix.
Love and Anger - Kate Bush
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
Rusty420 wrote:
I gotta admit, I hear some vocal similarities on this track. (and I'm a pretty big Kate Bush fan)
Cyndi Lauper?

The Way You Dream - 1 Giant Leap
Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
rascal420 wrote:
that's beautiful (I happen to dig the tune)
Even music is getting outsourced.

Posted 19 years ago by cjg:
awe, what the hell... she's been wanting to rock more than the Indigo Girls envelope would really allow for a long time. Good for her.