Song Ratings: 803
Tokyo, Japan
Sep 21, 2007
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Comments ( 12 )
Posted 5 years ago by cpwells:
It is true, Bill is a genius. He is what is left of the great FM tradition and nobody does flow and transition better. Like a monk in a high tower relating what the world was like before the barbarians
Posted 8 years ago by cpwells:
Addicted to this song.  Leads me to others by this "unknown" group.  Thanks again RP!
Posted 8 years ago by cpwells:
staygood wrote:
Not sure where to put this.. but the lyrics have an extra line "Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin" that are not in the song.

Agree.  Very obscure lyrics. 
Posted 8 years ago by cpwells:
nutrod42 wrote:

Nothing I've heard from The National has made much of an impression on me. On the other hand, I think this one is outstanding. (I agree, the vocal style is similar.)

Agree on both counts.  This song is very haunting post-apocalypse story that leaves an impression The National songs do not.  The guitar riffs are better too. 
Posted 4 years ago by cpwells:
For some reason, this is not the version of the record I remember from the 1960s....
Posted 8 years ago by cpwells:
thewiseking wrote:
pretty brilliant segue from Eleanor into this. Jus sayin.

TheWiseKing's comment pretty much nails it (other comments pretty out of it)—where would we be without RP..... 
Posted 8 years ago by cpwells:
bb_matt wrote:
Not sure how this can ever be topped. Been in my life since the start, had dreams about the concept, with this as a backing song. When I was a small child the song scared me witless.

I agree with you bb_matt.  As a pre-teen when I first heard this song, it made me afraid of growing up.  I wanted to make sure nobody I knew ended up like Eleanor.  50 years on I realize that such loneliness is not something that can be cured and the Beatles got it right.

Posted 8 years ago by cpwells:
On_The_Beach wrote:

{#Yes}  {#Cheers}

Could not agree more.  It is absolute performance perfection. I only wish we could go back and capture this performance with today's technology.  It is both electrifying and an old friend whenever I hear it.
Posted 9 years ago by cpwells:
Orodrigues wrote:
Just worried... {#Cry}

Me too! {#Frown}
Posted 9 years ago by cpwells:
WonderLizard wrote:
PSD is working.

Posted 9 years ago by cpwells:
So weird to lose RP this way.{#Stupid}   Trying your alternative. Hope they come back soon {#Laughing}
Posted 15 years ago by cpwells:
vit wrote:
heh, when I deam of Michelangelo he's chasing the Counting Crows guy through a museum with a chisel.

And when I dream of Michalangelo he is waltzing through a museum is filled with the the Lacoon, Venus de Milo and Rodin's Thinker and he is singing Counting Crows songs as he chisel's away on the Pieta!

The Main Mix