Song Ratings: 286
Ottawa, ON
Jun 12, 2003
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Comments ( 16 )
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
I'm a big fan of this song and finally bought the CD - the rest of it is similar, with some additional great tunes. I blame RP for increasing my music vocabulary, but I agree it would be good to hear a few other tunes from the album.
Posted 20 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
It's very, VERY amusing. And I think it's actually quite well done too.
Posted 20 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
Here's the flash video for the song, (click here) Quite a bit of fun.
Posted 20 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
... came the deafening sound... of chickens in choppers... .... we will fiiiiiiiight... for bovine freeeeeedom... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Brilliant! Especially following TMBG "Cowtown". Good gravy, where do you get this stuff? Keep it up!
Posted 20 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
Okay, it is now time for Ana Ng, followed by Birdhouse in your Soul. Come on... we've broken the TMBG barrier! Keep them coming! You know, I love how BIll sets up these playlists. Dana Lyons - Cows with Guns came on right afterwards. Absoutely marvellous!!! A good 10 minutes of laughing for me! If you haven't donated, good god, this guy deserves it from you. Thanks Bill!!!!
Posted 20 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
Eh... pretty boring drum lines in the background. Not one of Willie's best efforts.
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
I like the oil a lot, great political rock, but this song - - - gag! I think it's his voice, all quavery and groany and whiny sounding, it makes my spine want to leap right out of my back and throttle someone. In fact, I KNOW it's his voice, because I've heard a few remixes with his voice removed and it becomes an absolutely WICKED song. Ahh, if only someone could just redub this, it would improve things so much better.
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
Of all their songs I like this one the most - the one that drives me up the wall is "Beds are Burning" - now that one sounds like fingers on a chalkboard. He has an odd quaver to his voice that seems to really get under my screen particularly so in that song. Not to mention a heavy pedantic beat... but we aren't talking about that song are we! This one though... great song.
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
Great song, and I do like the theological commentary. They are subtle in their lyrics for all their songs and highly underrated I think. Interesting thing - while cross-border shopping in Buffalo back in 1996 or so I ran into the lead singer at a factory outlet mall. He was wearing a black trenchcoat, jeans and running shoes and shopping with his mom. I know it was him because I sneakily followed him for a couple minutes and heard that deep, sonourous voice pour forth, "But Mom..." Silly of me, but I enjoyed a little glimpse behind the scenes of a great artist. Play this band anytime.
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
Bring on the surrender monkeys. More Thievery Corp, more Noir Desir, more enigmatic french lyrics, and who cares where they're really from. Great song from a great band. Parfait. I give in!
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
I find his voice to yowly for me, not my favourite song or artist. Boring song too! But, even boring songs have a place on Radio Paradise...
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
I dunno about this one. Its a little bit droning and repetitive, but there are a few interesting quirks that make it different and listenable, in an introspective and deeply moody kind of way. I dunno about it, but I vote "No" on the "play it every day for a month" mention. Maybe once a week or so...
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
This is an excellent song - not the best on the album, which is itself mighty solid. I hope they tour sometime soon so I can see 'em live.
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
This is a great song, simple, clean and honest. I like it quite a bit, and has a nice little commentary on the world. Take a break from your TPS reports and look out the window when this comes on - its a beautiful world out there.
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
It is an extremely different song, I agree, it's one of my favourites. It's a good song when you're feeling paranoid...
Posted 21 years ago by Rampant_Gecko:
I am stoned, and inside an aquarium, watching belugas watch me. I like it - its an odd song. For some reason it has an Amelie kind of ring to it too, d'ya think?
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