I remember this song from my younger years, when it was sung by Kaa, on the album of the Jungle Book (you know, Mowhli, Balou and the others). A lot of good songs on that album
For a raging alcholic, Mr. Nilsson had a lovely voice and wrote some beautiful lyrics too. I always enjoyed listening to him - I believe this was a great tune from The Graduate. What a f----d up generation.
Oh, man. I just saw that Pieter said the same thing a year ago. Clearly, Pieter and I are hearing the same thing. Which means we're both getting old. Hang in there, Pieter. The older we get, the slower we move. And the slower we move, according to the quantum physicists, the faster time passes. So, for us, all this INSANITY going on in the world should be over pretty soon.
Well, let me give it a 8 then
I always enjoyed listening to him - I believe this was a great tune from The Graduate. What a f----d up generation.
Actually: from Midnight Cowboy.
Great movie too
Always a 10!
Do people play Twilight Zone to prove that Golden Earring was not a one hit wonder? IMHO, GE was a one hit wonder.
One hit wonder?
Never been in the Netherlands, I guess
Great costums!!!
Chardo herdaman sardihe soreyo
Chardo yotendaa khar sanderaï samberoï
Sara khandaye chombe sandaye kho lindje
Soolkha dandjer Soolkha dandjer ee sombaraï
Chore,re sombaraï charideei sombero
Chore,re sombaraï hamigjor samir djore
Hamakhedarr ee sombaraï sombe djo ir i doy
Somba djare sombe djooor e sombaraï
Chorde he ton daaraï sarindeye chore dongi
Soordo esondaraaï tcharendeyi sorin dogo
Tchama sandee tche sambakai kholin dee khaliyao
Khamba tchendari khamba cedjaari he sombaraï
Tchore he sombarai tcherin dogeï sora djogi
Tchorgi tchorgi tchorgi sombarai tcherin deeegi sori dordoï
Kaba djarare makha dararve sori dee ihin dor
Somba khor somba djaï he sombarai he sombarai he sombarai
But what does it mean?
Oh, man. I just saw that Pieter said the same thing a year ago. Clearly, Pieter and I are hearing the same thing. Which means we're both getting old. Hang in there, Pieter. The older we get, the slower we move. And the slower we move, according to the quantum physicists, the faster time passes. So, for us, all this INSANITY going on in the world should be over pretty soon.
Equinox, by Jean-Michel Jarre?
I was thinking this was a Talking Heads song at first!