I didn't notice this the first time around: Isn't this song kind of racist? He likes her because she's "one of his tribe"? Anti-miscegenist?
Isn't that misogynist?
Not that I care personally.
Just don't wish for the intellectual types who peruse this excellent site to be given something to scoffaw about regarding those of us who consider themselves to be.......???(train of thought lost).
And now, back to da toons...
Pleasing tunes all, but definite case of segue manslaughter.
Theme for Ernie brought my morning run to a screeching halt - literarily. Cued up my faithful iPhone iTunes for a few minutes, then came back to RP trusting that the audio faux pas incident was only an isolated freak of euphonious malfeasance.....
Confsed at first. Then intrigued. Was listening on the desktop speakers. Switched to the quad Bose 901's. Ended up being blown away. This one needs power, demands LOUD!
I'm sittin here in Phoenix. It hasn't rained since the middle of October. Last year.
I turned this tune up loud, I started dancin', wavin' my hands, howlin' like a wolf, prayin'....prayin'....
This behavior sounds desperate - no?
Notice how the little fellas all wave in sync?
I hope dude enjoys his thousand cd rip. I'm up to about 26,000 songs in my library and still cookin' here on RP. Ain't no place like it......
Now three........
Pleasing tunes all, but definite case of segue manslaughter.
Theme for Ernie brought my morning run to a screeching halt - literarily. Cued up my faithful iPhone iTunes for a few minutes, then came back to RP trusting that the audio faux pas incident was only an isolated freak of euphonious malfeasance.....
It was...