Song Ratings: 45
Where the Red Sox fans aren\'t
Mar 10, 2004
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Comments ( 4 )
Posted 17 years ago by fooGuy:
In one of RP's few true sins, the Boss' version of this song is nowhere to be found. Bill, there are some pretty moving live versions, if you don't care for the Nebraska take. Of course, I'm assuming you care for the song at all...which you must.
Posted 17 years ago by fooGuy:
More Pogues, Paradise, please! The drunker and rowdier the better!
Posted 21 years ago by fooGuy:
Cake-haters eat cake! Oh, and how about some Bucket Seats (Stickshifts and Safetybelts )??
Posted 21 years ago by fooGuy:
This is the reason I listen to RP! Don't think I've ever heard this song played on *any* radio station. Then again, I live in one of the lamest areas in terms of quality radio stations. Bring on more Soul Coughing. For those not familiar w/ the band...if you give them a try, you'll probably find Irresistible Bliss and Ruby Vroom part of your regular listening rotation.
The Main Mix