Song Ratings: 2701
London, Ky.
Session musician, Symbiosis Studios, London
Oct 12, 2005
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Comments ( 323 )
Posted 17 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
my wife and I own a small bike shop in Kentucky. Its our slow season and the shop is just deserted. When this song came on I walked over and she gave me a hug. Turned into a slow dance through the vocals. What a treat. Thanks Bill.
Posted 12 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Chrissie Hynde is the female Lou Reed. She could sing the phone directory and it would be made cool.
Posted 14 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
How is it even possible that this song is closing in on 40 years old. It sounds so fresh and smooth. Love B. R.
Posted 3 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
 Krispian wrote:

I read this comment ages ago. It is so lovely and touching that I can't help but think of your comment every time this song comes on.

Thanks again. Checking in nearly another decade later. Still appreciate your kind comment. -bike coach Dave
Posted 12 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Norah Jones AND Danger Mouse, hard to go wrong here.
Posted 13 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Krispian wrote:

I read this comment ages ago. It is so lovely and touching that I can't help but think of your comment every time this song comes on.


Posted 13 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
maritza19 wrote:
You got your wish! and it IS great...
David & David - Welcome To The Boomtown
Simple Minds - See The Lights

Thanks for listening, Bill. {#Angel}

superflyLD wrote:
I think following this with 'Welcome to the Boomtown' by David & David would be a great transition!
Blown away. When this song came on I suddenly thought of David and David- Welcome to the Boomtown. So I click on comments, and see this!!!!! magical.

Posted 16 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Its something so subtle, but I love it when the sax eases in with the musician just breathing into it, first note. I now listen to this song at least once a week. Ah, just..comfort.
Posted 17 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
parrothead wrote:
What a nice story. I grew up in southern Ohio.We often traveled to your area of KY. My Aunt and Uncle owned a small farm in Stab KY. We would have a blast crawing into the caves on the property and surrounding areas. Lots of underground rivers and steams in the area. These caves where not even on maps. We always wondered who and when was the last person ever in these caves. Some where a major hikes from the roads.
Thanks Parrothead, I live about 20 miles from Stab and have done many trips through the areas caves as a teenager. I have been 2 or 3 hours back into a cave, crawling on my belly and found markings and scriblings dated over 100 years old, as well as dust covered campfires that could easily have dated to 1,000 years old and older. Its just amazing. We are merely passing through this world, one line of thousands before us and thousands to come. We are a blessed bunch.
Posted 17 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
The feel of this song is just so sweet, so deep, I love the groove it puts me in as I sit and worry about all of lifes pressures. Just lifts the burden for 3 minutes. Its a nice moment.
Posted 17 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
nope, doesnt do it for me. I usually like Bills remakes, but this one just misses the feel completely.
Posted 19 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Haunting. Thank you R.P. so much for introducing me to Sun Kil Moon. Great, great stuff. Carry Me Ohio!!!! Bring it back!!!!!!!!
Posted 11 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Great song from a great group. This may be the highest rated YET least played song on R.P.
Posted 12 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
I love that R.P. plays Tragically Hip. Thank you Bill.
Posted 13 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
This could honestly pass for a new, 2011 release. (though not as a F.M. new release) Sounds so fresh, I didnt know who it was.

Posted 13 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
From the 'how could I be both blind AND stupid' admission files.
Seen this album cover a few thousand times since I was young and remember the song from its release in '78.
But until today, just now, did I look at it and realize it was a view from a plane and that the waitress on the cover is playing the statue of liberty. Holy cow I cant believe I just admitted that.....
Posted 18 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
daveesh wrote:
you can't do jazz oddysey for a festival crowd!
Posted 18 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Had to uprade this song from an 8 to a 9. Dont like one other Randy Newman song, but he hits this one out of the park.
Posted 18 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
Sounds like The Beach Boys meets The Munsters.
Posted 19 years ago by BikeCoachDave:
May this song never leave R.P. Still my favorite.
The Main Mix