Thsi is actually the theme from Deadwood. I was quite taken aback when I heard it in the movie Babel. Jarred me right out of the story. But it's a beautiful piece of music.
I felt the same way when I heard it used in "Deadwood" and I'd already heard and taken notice of it when it was used on the soundtrack for "The Insider". It's on the Babel soundtrack too? Jeez! What's next?
It's ok, but I don't really anything too memorable about this song. Interesting voice though - reminds me of someone who I can't think of right now.....
Perhaps Martha Wainwright or Mary Margaret O'Hara?
Me - a 4th grader, 1970 in Canyon, Texas. My dad was MIA in Vietnam since the summer of '67 and my grandmother was on a rare visit from New Mexico. I played this 45 for her on a cheap little portable record player and I distinctly remember her looking at the ceiling and tapping her fingers on her knee. As soon as it was over she asked if we could hear it again. I think she had a lot on her mind but I was too young to know the difference; I can appreciate that now. Hearing this is a heavy melancholy moment. I always have to stop and listen even if it has been played a million times before, thanks.
Wow... this played like a scene from a movie as I read it. I can't imagine a similar experience these days being nearly so powerful. Thanks for your story!
Track 8, "Hate it Here", from 3:15 to 4:00 is a direct copy of a Beatles song that I can't remember the name of. Either that or I'm a moron. I suppose those aren't mutually exclusive.
She came in through the bathroom window?
Carry that weight?
Mean Mr. Mustard?
Something from Abbey Road I think...
As for this song, I'm thinking Neil Young's Southern Man starting around the 1:30 mark.
Great album.
Anyone else hearing a major Pink Floyd influence here? Even the vocal phrasing is lifted from them!!!
Oh yeah... and that continues throughout the rest of this album. I also hear it on 'How does it make you feel?' and 'Radian' from their album '10,000 Hz Legend'.
What? Is this all the Suede that is? Need more - especially from Dog Man Star, surely one of the finest albums of the 90s.
I agree but it's not surprising given that a large proportion of the members on this site are in the U.S. - I don't think Suede had much exposure there. attempt at a joke (obviously failed) as previous poster had mentioned Simon Garfunkel. HAHAHAHAHAHAaaa—-ahem.
I got it copymonkey! I've been laughing for the past five minutes and was tempted to add "Hallan Oates?"
It's kind of like a Dr. Seuss rhyme isn't it?
Blue, blue, electric blue
That's the colour of my room
Where I will live
Blue, blue
Thank you callum! As a child of Scottish parents I heard this many times over the years.
Apparently it was written as theme music for a 1962 film:
I felt the same way when I heard it used in "Deadwood" and I'd already heard and taken notice of it when it was used on the soundtrack for "The Insider". It's on the Babel soundtrack too? Jeez! What's next?
I think you mean the King Curtis version from 'Live at Fillmore West'.
There really is a similar melancholy sound and structure that I hear in River Man. I like them both!
It's ok, but I don't really anything too memorable about this song. Interesting voice though - reminds me of someone who I can't think of right now.....
Perhaps Martha Wainwright or Mary Margaret O'Hara?
I think your comparison is the closest... in fact I thought this was Placebo.
Don't harass me, can't you tell
I'm going home, I'm tired as hell
I'm not the CAT I used to be
I’ve got a kid, I'm thirty-three