Liking this. De-emphasizes Plant's overdone vocal stylings, shows off the melody and drums. (Yes, I know Andrew Wood would've killed this, too bad he's long dead. Fuck heroin.)
9->10. I saw this performed at Marymoor Park in 2008. This recording captures the fire and triumph in what I experienced. DO NOT DOUBLE CROSS THE ANGRY WOMAN. (And we only went to see Andrew Bird, who was really good.) (And the cover of Heart's "Crazy on You" was for the gods. Really!)
The cover by First Aid Kit always makes me weep. Two Swedish girls born long after the song was written, singing it like it's the National Anthem of their hearts.
Imagine an air-raid siren was a brilliant musical composition.
Hearing this as Israel and its surroundings erupt into war and remembering how this song described 9/11 and its aftermath.
I got to see the Case Lang Veirs concert here in Dallas two weeks ago. They performed their album interspersed with some of their own individual tracks.I had no idea that kd lang could belt out tunes like that. Three encores too. I dunno who had more fun that night, they up on stage or we in the audience.
Oh gawd they give a great show. Not a one of them gives a poot, they're just having fun sharing tunes with the audience. Laura's gonna chirp, k.d. is all about the belting (she tracked down Patsy Cline's old producer for her best album) and Neko has no fucks (or boyfriends) left to give.
(Yes, I know Andrew Wood would've killed this, too bad he's long dead. Fuck heroin.)
(And we only went to see Andrew Bird, who was really good.)
(And the cover of Heart's "Crazy on You" was for the gods. Really!)
Hearing this as Israel and its surroundings erupt into war and remembering how this song described 9/11 and its aftermath.
Oh wait, different song.
Oh gawd they give a great show. Not a one of them gives a poot, they're just having fun sharing tunes with the audience. Laura's gonna chirp, k.d. is all about the belting (she tracked down Patsy Cline's old producer for her best album) and Neko has no fucks (or boyfriends) left to give.