Song Ratings: 1119
Jun 22, 2018
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Comments ( 11 )
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
Jacques Brel "Ces gens là" :
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
sfyi2001 wrote:
Few years back, little brother joined the Marines. Mom hated it and broke down begged him not to.
He ended up with orders to Afghanistan and it was hard on us, especially because it was so difficult for Mom.
There was plenty of communication with him, which was great, far better than when Dad was in the Navy.
When he got orders to return stateside he told us as soon as he could and we were beyond elated, especially Mom.
I played this song for her one day, and again when she asked me to. We hadn't felt so good in a long time.
I wasn't home when we were informed that Pete had been killed.
By the time I got there, Mom was in the hospital.
It completely devastated us. I haven't been able to do many things since then.
Hadn't heard this in a while when it came on earlier, but because no one else is around, I didn't turn it off.
It reminds me of how good we felt when we knew Pete was coming home.
I have never longed for anything more than to have my brother back. I did not now that it was posible to feel so

Some musics are litterally running through our veins :(
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
That cowbell... I believed it was Mississippi Queen, but no {#Neutral}
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
jambo wrote:
had to be there

“In The Pines,” AKA “Where Did You Sleep Last Night,” AKA “Black Girl,” is a traditional Appalachian folk song, nearly a century and a half old, that encompasses elements of searing heartbreak, perceived betrayal, death (by decapitation in many cases), and murder. Not to mention the fact the the song title is named after a location where “the sun don’t ever shine” and “we shiver when the cold wind blows.” Good description of SOME of the "covers" of this song.

. . .  nirvana, led to foo fighters. and what kind of world would this be without them? 

this is quite a rough song -  moves through lead belly, bill monroe, gene clark, nirvana, mark lanegan - different genres, same song. they should not sound the same do you think? 

the question of "better" is for endless debate which we love to do here thanks be to bill.
  This is why I love so much RP : usefull comments that feed both curiosity and my love of music ! Thank you all !

Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
FF are the "modern" rock as I like it : sharp, simple but not too much, great riffs and a solid rythm :) 
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
In my point of view, nothing really happen during this song: no break pattern, no vocal change... maybe the trumpet tried something at a moment, but I felt bored until the end 
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
Composer of The Last Of Us soundtrack videogame (PS4)... I recommand it to everyone who appreciate that "Santaolalla's touch" ❤️
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
leathepea wrote:

Managed to see him on his last Merlefest, many years ago. Tedeschi Trucks killed it that night too!

RP and their listeners comments are some music nuggets waiting to be found !! Thanks so much ! 
What a gig ... Merlefest 2012 :
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
That song, that fits so perfectly the Californication's pilot opening...
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
That song always make me think about a Tomb Raider 2 videogame tune :)
Posted 6 years ago by youyouk:
maxvonevil wrote:

Once is a coincidence, twice is a rodent conspiracy! It happened again today... Rats! {#Biggrin}

It happened today too {#Cheesygrin}
The Main Mix