Touche! That sucker is aimed directly at "Mrs. Thatcher, Reagan and Haig, Mr. Brezhnev & Party, and now, in colour, an anonymous group of Latin American Meat-Packing Glitterati" planet_lizard wrote:
Try listening to 'The Final Cut'.
The Final Cut... One of my top favorites. A must listen to from start to finish.
I'm hearing Billy Idol.
Yes, they both sound awesome.
Cool stuff. So simplistic. Puts on a good show too!
If you play this tune backwards you can hear the Osmonds.
Thats funny!
They're a tough band to watch though.
Wow... Exactly what I was thinking when I read your post.
If a song is "good", it will cross generations.
Unfortunately, their recorded music is sounding dated too me these days.
planet_lizard wrote:
Try listening to 'The Final Cut'.
The Final Cut... One of my top favorites. A must listen to from start to finish.