I absolutely love this! But what is it?
A bee's eye view of the rut of global mono-culture?
A lesson on the result of seeking only the godhead?
A 'hard check' on my motives and aspirations?
I liked it the first time I heard it.
This is 2x and I like it more
I like that her upper register voice fits the persona of a small creature.
I like that it gives me pause.
Mark Thompson and Brian Phelps [hosts of “the Mark & Brian Show” 6-10AM KLOS-FM in Los Angeles, California 1987/2012] provided skits, pranks, and crazy contests along with helicopter traffic reports. They dubbed the helicopter pilot “Sky Lord” and involved him in many of their ‘contests’.
When M & B heard that while patrolling the skies above LA, Sky Lord was often able to view naked sunbathers on building tops, they turned it into one of their contests and challenged listeners to intentionally show themselves to the Eye-in-the-sky. While not exactly a contest, I think they did finally declare the winner to be a young lady who water skied nude on Lake Castaic (just north of the city).
After hearing them make jokes about his appearance, (very handsome) romance novel cover model Fabio took exception to their taunts and called the ‘Show”. They found that Fabio was actually a ‘regular guy’ who had a background in Electrical Engineering and prided his giant stereo. M & B broadcast a visit to his apartment to see his hifi, which he claimed could “Whoosh, blow the clothes right off” of girls sitting in his listening chair. They judged it to be an impressive rig.
They taunted Tom Cruise, as well. He contacted them, and they invited him on the “Show”. Mark & Brian had a listener, Keith, who was a master of impersonating Gene Wilder, which happened to be one of Tom Cruise’s favorite actors, since childhood. When Cruise appeared on their show they managed to steer the conversation to the ‘other’ famous guests they’d had on the “Show” and eventually offered to give ‘Gene’ a call. They put Cruise on the line with the Keith (the impersonator) where he was effusive in his praise of the actor’s movie career. After hearing him read few pages of dialog from “Willie Wonka” Cruise was completely duped since the voice mimic was so perfect. He found out later about the trick and seemed truly ticked off about being suckered. He swore vengeance.
One year, for Valentine’s Day, they got Sky Lord’s helicopter fitted with loud PA system and arranged for him to fly Tom Jones around Los Angeles at a low altitude. For about 2 hours Jones sang love songs over the PA, to serenade the populace. Several times during the flight they’d check in—usually finding T.J. in the middle of belting out a ballad.
That’s when I came to a new appreciation of Tom Jones. Cool dude.
Two cars returning to Santa Barbara after a day swimming in the upper Santa Ynez River sailed over the crest of the San Marcos Pass on Hwy 154 at ~75 - 80 mph. We weren't racing and there wasn't any stodgy traffic that needed passing in the wide spot at the top of the hill, we were just travelling a familiar winding road at a fun speed. We were driving Honda Civics. I was in the car in front and my sister was about 6 car lengths behind. With no traffic visable ahead we didn't let up much for the first turn—a gentle right. As we zipped into the beginning of the turn we could begin to see what was beyond. The entire 2 lanes of pavement was blocked by a wreck. We braked heavily; which was kinda tricky since we had immediately moved to the unpaved shoulder to avoid any vehicles from behind that couldn't stop as fast as us. It was a one car accident. The 1970's Cadillac Coup de Ville was laying on its side, perpenicular to the roadway, steaming and smoking, blocking the whole roadway. We came to a stop about 20' away. The accident had obviously happened the very minute before. I jumped out and started to run for the car. I'd been an ambulance driver and open water lifeguard and always carried a 'seatbelt knife' for just these situations. The fuel smell was heavy and the oil smoke was thick. I thought it was probably going to burn. I was concerned because I'd not yet seen the passengers and no one else was approaching the car to help. I only went about 4 big steps when these four young guys hopped out through the driver's side windows. They laughed hilariously. The onlookers laughed. I laughed. I didn't need to tell them to stand clear and watch for downhill traffic coming around that blind curve, because they immediately rocked the car a little then pushed it back on its wheels. They piled back in, and to everybody's amazement drove off, burning rubber, hooting and hollering out of sight. In all, the whole event didn't take two minutes. They didn't get the brand new car, but I've always felt that scene needed to be on a video of "Crawling from the Wreckage".
One of my most favorite lost bands of the '60s. I miss hearing this on the radio. It's probably because it was overplayed a bit, in the day. I'm going to listen to the whole album now.
One of the great things about RP is that while I listen to RP almost exclusively, it's RP that triggers me to go elsewhere to listen to more of the new music I've just heard on RP, or to fondly reminisce with more of a great oldie.
I give it a 10. Not because I like the melody, a singers voice, or presentation, or accompaniment, or lyrical sentiment because I haven't actually heard the song—yet (I will soon, but I seldom like the Jennys, whole or in part). It is because it inspired "coloradojohn" to share his in depth solution to the problem that is the 'holy grail of physics"; to define a Universal Field Theory that explains the root relationships, the universality, of all matter and energy. I think he may have attended/participated in symposiums at the Aspen (Colorado) Center for Physics. Perhaps discussions, like the ones surrounding the lecture on "Quantum Simulation of Relativistic Physics with Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates" last January, have piqued his drive to solidify his theory that consolidates of the broad range of energies and phenomena he presented in his RP "Comment" post. I wonder if he caught that one. I wonder what he's done in the intervening years since his "Jennys" post
It's too bad that radio played Sting's (good) version so much that I was ready to PSD this. I'm so glad I didn't. What heart, what feeling. Grabs me. Then I looked at the notes and saw that she'd passed away. That started my on my list of souls too beautiful to have left before us before a hundred others far less deserving of this life. Self included in the hundred.
A big favorite of mine. I've been wanting to hear this since your play of John Mayall and the Blues Breakers the other day brought it to mind. I always play this when I make a late night half hour bolt to the mountains from the busy coast to sleep under stars in fresh air. I'd do that now but dawn's too close to make the most of it. I love that comeback at the end. It gives me a 15 mph push.
I'm not quite sure why, but I'm beginning to like alt-J. Somehow, I find the music odd, unique, a broad range of sounds that still come off as musical, an engaging meld of vocal and non-v, experimental. Not as big swerve from the centerline as say the Mahavishnu Orchestra, Balinese gamelan bands or Tuvan throat singing.
So, just as I write this comment you play Ma Goola, with throat singing. I was just going to mention that I liked the group you played (a day or so ago). I wasn't able to catch the credit. There was one throat singer that might have been the lead. I couldn't pay full attention at the time so don't know if other throat singers were helping, but several other voices joined in on the normal singing. There were long stretches of the throat singing that made a fine mix with whatever it was they were singing about. The throat singing and the normalcy of the song pattern squelched my foreign language negativity. I gave it an 8.
I likely wasn't generating the sound the way the singer was, but I sang along with the drone and plucked harmony on the bass strings of my dreadnought.
I married the homecoming queen. it took years to figure out she was depressive. and there was nothing i could do to really make her happy. we separated for 2 yr to figure out divorce was the only option. i lied to the judge when he asked if our differences were irreconcilable. she committed suicide a year after the divorce was final. life has been tough ever since.
Thanks to Pinto for reminding me of one of the best ever music covers; Belushi doing Cocker—inc seisure. I guess it's not PC of me remembering laughing til my ribs hurt—re: mocking physical distress—but it still makes me chuckle.
I was vacuuming the carpet when this came on. Had to stop because I could hear it. Surprised it could carry over the machine noise. I got a Flashback from '72. No not just a fond memory. Closest thing to a real one I ever had. It was more like watching the sunset over the water in I.V and the lift you get from the first doob of a day that began with 350 mics and a tequila sunrise for breakfast at dawn. It made me nostalgic for the stamina and sense of abandon I once had.
I remember buying this when it came out. I'd just sold my KLH 35w receiver and built a real stereo system. 60w Dynaco Amp and Preamp kit (I soldered up with my Dad's 250w Weller gun—cooked a few wires). 12" Tanoy 3-way speakers jammed in the bottom of 40 gallon plastic trash containers topped with 5 cu.ft. of R-3 fiberglass insulation. Those speakers were really efficient. My dorm room (6th floor, W side of Argo Hall UCSD) shook with Rattlesnake Shake. A tune that I took as an homage to the reptiles that populated that little narrow shortcut canyon to Blacks.
My favorite morning song. Love when it pops up when I wake. I'm not one to lay in bed when sleep ends but this song gets me up on my feet (and dancing around) as fast as a Code 3 EMT call.
A bee's eye view of the rut of global mono-culture?
A lesson on the result of seeking only the godhead?
A 'hard check' on my motives and aspirations?
I liked it the first time I heard it.
This is 2x and I like it more
I like that her upper register voice fits the persona of a small creature.
I like that it gives me pause.
How I Came to Like Tom Jones
Mark Thompson and Brian Phelps [hosts of “the Mark & Brian Show” 6-10AM KLOS-FM in Los Angeles, California 1987/2012] provided skits, pranks, and crazy contests along with helicopter traffic reports. They dubbed the helicopter pilot “Sky Lord” and involved him in many of their ‘contests’.
When M & B heard that while patrolling the skies above LA, Sky Lord was often able to view naked sunbathers on building tops, they turned it into one of their contests and challenged listeners to intentionally show themselves to the Eye-in-the-sky. While not exactly a contest, I think they did finally declare the winner to be a young lady who water skied nude on Lake Castaic (just north of the city).After hearing them make jokes about his appearance, (very handsome) romance novel cover model Fabio took exception to their taunts and called the ‘Show”. They found that Fabio was actually a ‘regular guy’ who had a background in Electrical Engineering and prided his giant stereo. M & B broadcast a visit to his apartment to see his hifi, which he claimed could “Whoosh, blow the clothes right off” of girls sitting in his listening chair. They judged it to be an impressive rig.
They taunted Tom Cruise, as well. He contacted them, and they invited him on the “Show”. Mark & Brian had a listener, Keith, who was a master of impersonating Gene Wilder, which happened to be one of Tom Cruise’s favorite actors, since childhood. When Cruise appeared on their show they managed to steer the conversation to the ‘other’ famous guests they’d had on the “Show” and eventually offered to give ‘Gene’ a call. They put Cruise on the line with the Keith (the impersonator) where he was effusive in his praise of the actor’s movie career. After hearing him read few pages of dialog from “Willie Wonka” Cruise was completely duped since the voice mimic was so perfect. He found out later about the trick and seemed truly ticked off about being suckered. He swore vengeance.
One year, for Valentine’s Day, they got Sky Lord’s helicopter fitted with loud PA system and arranged for him to fly Tom Jones around Los Angeles at a low altitude. For about 2 hours Jones sang love songs over the PA, to serenade the populace. Several times during the flight they’d check in—usually finding T.J. in the middle of belting out a ballad.
That’s when I came to a new appreciation of Tom Jones. Cool dude.
One of the great things about RP is that while I listen to RP almost exclusively, it's RP that triggers me to go elsewhere to listen to more of the new music I've just heard on RP, or to fondly reminisce with more of a great oldie.
Thanks William, et. al.
If I was allowed to give a 10 to only 1 song, this would still be a 10
So, just as I write this comment you play Ma Goola, with throat singing. I was just going to mention that I liked the group you played (a day or so ago). I wasn't able to catch the credit. There was one throat singer that might have been the lead. I couldn't pay full attention at the time so don't know if other throat singers were helping, but several other voices joined in on the normal singing. There were long stretches of the throat singing that made a fine mix with whatever it was they were singing about. The throat singing and the normalcy of the song pattern squelched my foreign language negativity. I gave it an 8.
I likely wasn't generating the sound the way the singer was, but I sang along with the drone and plucked harmony on the bass strings of my dreadnought.
give it to me;
horizontal bop;
don't hear those songs much
they might make a good middle for a playlist for my new date tonight
...or, is that far to blatant? ...or, will the humor be appreciated
...or would adding "Big 10 Inch Record", somewhere, kick it into jocularity?