I don't care what people say about the Dead, this song ALWAYS brings a smile to my face and makes my body sway to the music....and that's really all that matters.
Friggin brilliant.....we are blessed that these older gentlemen were plucked from Cuba and asked to perform in the US for a few shows a couple of years ago before they left the Earth.
The men will be missed but the Latin sounds will be cherished forever.
Another obscure track I would have heard no other place than RP, where do you find this stuff?
This track sounds timeless, I can't tell if it was produced in 1976 or 2006.
I love when songs create this type of visceral reaction. While I knew it was Joni immediately, I had to pinch myself whether it was 1975 or 2015 that this was released. I really dug it.
Future Islands have such a distinct sound, I immediately know its them and I'm drawn to the voice on every single track of theirs. Great band I hope to catch on the live circuit someday.
I'm pretty sure this has entered my Top 25 songs of all time. If it can still give you chills after 100 listens, you know it's an incredible, lyrical piece.
I think you just uuuhhhmmm, got my attention.
Clearly, it's intentional.
According to my comment a mere four days ago, you can play this as much as you want, Bill!
Is it possible to make any less sense? I think you've just won some kind of stupid award.
I read your comment as the line was being sung, brilliant!
Don't forget good ol' Roy and Tom too!