Song Ratings: 1054
Oct 6, 2009
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Comments ( 61 )
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
bruceandjenna wrote:
I heard this in the background while making dinner.  Too busy handling the salmon to get to Mute button soon enough. Excruciating.  Maybe better if I gave it my attention, but I doubt it.

Should be a 2, but I'll double it for the two images on the cover.

Nah. It wasn't Acceptable.

I heard this in the background from the third floor of my summer house, while making second breakfast. Too occupied, as I was slicing a slab of wagyu beef to get to the rate button soon enough. Marvelous as always, Goldfrapp earns solid 7, maybe more if my pet ocelot also did not ask for scraps and distract me from my morning routine.  

Nah, it was Most Excellent.
Posted 13 years ago by zanref:
It feels so new and refreshing here. Radio Paradise could use more instrumental music.
Thank you. 
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
It is 6am and my body is exhausted after a sleepless night during the finals week.
But here comes Iz and my brain mush is suddenly floating in butter and eyes can only see the red sunset with palm tree shadow gently hugging the beach sand. Thank you Bill.
Posted 5 years ago by zanref:
Bill: "Little slice of cake!"
Me: "Mmmm. Two servings please."
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
dwhayslett wrote:

I'm not sure that's the point of these lyrics, though.  Doesn't appear to me to be trying to excuse his own mistake(s), but rather saying there's only so much he can do about things.
It seems that he is singing from the God's perspective.  He [God] is the one that makes you cry, that he is the one that you put the blame on. And the line "Lord heavens above" comes from the first person view, so it fits well.
Changes the whole dynamic of the song. And what an excellent execution!.
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
Was about to skip it at first, but it grew on me pretty fast. Thank you Bill!
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
First time hearing this and I was absolutely sure that this was Kasabian. 
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
Virtue signaling or not, this song has a wonderful and catchy tune, flowing lyrics with meaning and purpose.

Exactly 50 years ago Whitey On the Moon by Gil Scott-Heron was released.
Quite a lot of the current "men upstairs" were teenagers at that time. Regardless of the opinions, it logically makes sense that some of  the views, behavior and prejudices from that era are still here.
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
Getting the Dream Theater vibe. Love it!
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
carsonstuart wrote:
Put me down as a Doors hater. I always skip their tracks on RP.
Overrated band, overtated tracks: mediocre musicians fronted by a good looking drunk.
I know this is harsh but I cannot stand their music.
Not many people share your opinion.
While I am not a fan of this particular track, The Doors have quite a few memorable songs and they certainly contributed a lot to the rock genre.
People Are Strange is easily 9-10 in my book.
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
Pure eargasm.
Finally have the guts to upgrade 9 -> 10
Posted 5 years ago by zanref:
Clearly Muse borrowed a thing or two from Radiohead
Posted 6 years ago by zanref:
Simply amazing. Got hooked up on Kasabian with The Sunshine movie soundtrack.
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
As I looked down, the vast white ocean covered my view. The unusually bright sun felt barely warm on my skin. As soon as it set, cold and heavy fog suddenly covered the parking lot and I hurried onto the bus.
We were ascending the darkening Haleakala; I put on this track and could feel that this moment would remain in my memory for the rest of my life. Now, whenever "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" comes up, I instantly teleport to that wonderful autumn evening in Maui.
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
What will you be when the bass drops?
Very pleasant and uncommon surprise on RP.
Posted 5 years ago by zanref:
Wonderful! And aged pretty well.
Posted 13 years ago by zanref:
jptl wrote:
This has been around for 40 years and I'm just now hearing it? Thanks, RP {#Clap}
So true!
And he wrote it when he was 19.... now I realize how pathetic I am...{#Frustrated}
Posted 15 years ago by zanref:
As usually good music from Moby.
Posted 4 years ago by zanref:
Not a big fan if indie pop voices in general, but this is quite decent!
Posted 5 years ago by zanref:
Huh I was absolutely positive that this is Kasabian. Solid tune!
The Main Mix